Becoming a Vendor


Create It.

Our event reaches a unique wellness-curious demographic and provides a fun, entertaining and engaging way for you to connect with potential clients and fellow wellness businesses.

Wellness Directory

Join our Wellness Directory as a paid membership and receive spotlight exposure opportunities and 10% off all Holistic Healing Fair™ Events

Raising Vibrations

Joining a Holistic Healing Fair™ provides you the unique opportunity to connect with the Ontario Wellness community, to build brand awareness and show your company’s support of an important cause: raising mental health awareness and making Ontario a better place! Feel good about supporting our local wellness community as you enjoy a life changing weekend for all that attend. ​

Sponsorship Opportunities

Looking for the opportunity to become a part of one of the biggest Wellness Events of the year? To put your company name in front of hundreds of health conscious and engaged shoppers? Looking for a one-of-a-kind experience to make a big impression? Learn more about our Sponsorship opportunities that will associate your name within the wellness community, support our local and ensure you receive long-term recognition. ​

Register Now!

Register to join our 2024/2025 Holistic Healing Fair Roadshow Today!

Spots fill up fast. Once the events are full, waitlists will be created. Click the button below for more information and for our registration page!


100+ Events and Counting


Morals, Ethics and Kindness as our Business Forefront


A Heart-Centered Community Built Across Ontario


Connect with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals and join the movement towards holistic wellness. Be the change you wish to see in the world, and let’s make holistic healing accessible to all.


At the Holistic Healing Fair, we bring together love-driven people who are passionate about creating positive change in their lives and their communities. Discover new friendships, business relationships, and endless possibilities for personal growth.

Continued Success

Plant seeds of future possibilities and let your brand’s awareness bloom. Your attendance is not just about selling products or services; it’s about making inspired connections that can change your business foundation.

Frequently asked questions


What is included within a sponsorship?

Hold a Front Line Business Footprint at the Holistic Healing Fair™

Interested in being a sponsor for a Holistic Healing Fair™ with top brand exposure, a complimentary vendor table and more?


– A complimentary vendor table at the event

– Business logo and information printed on pamphlets for attendees

– Your logo on all event Posters

– Your brochures and business cards display at our “Sponsor Table” that is placed as the first table attendees see when they arrive

– Choice of your top 3 table picks within the venue layout, and one of those 3 choices will be guaranteed (Layout will be sent to you the week of the event)

– Frontline Facebook, Instagram, Eventbrite and Website exposure

Sponsorship prices vary per city. Prices are available within the approval email after your application has been reviewed. 

What do you mean by “health unit approval” in the application if I want to serve food/drink samples at my booth?

By googling the city health unit and contacting them, advise that you will be attending a Holistic Healing Fair as a vendor and would like to serve samples. They will inquire about the products you will be serving and will walk you through what the required safety steps are. Following approval they will give you a green page that is a PASS of approval. If you are not required to have a green pass, and they say you are able to serve without their requirements please save that email and show me.

Where do you recommend to get my own insurance?

I recommend and use – you can get a free quote from them to start.

Will I be shown where I am within the layout after purchasing my booth?

The layout is not released to vendors, only to the event sponsors who have choice on where their booth will be located. I make changes up until the day prior to the event, including the morning of and that is why they are not released. When you arrive each table will be labelled with business names and I will be there ready to help you find your space. Please be reassured that I try to place everyone accordingly to what has been stated within the application for space requests.

The Holistic Healing Fair™ will never guarantee or imply sales. What we can promise you is a specific target market attending to learn about HOLISTIC & WELLNESS businesses. It is important to make a promise to your business, to consciously make every single contact count. Every single attendee has a specific interest and focus by choosing to attend our event. The Holistic Healing Fair™ is most importantly education focused, to help attendees on their journeys of finding their way, and sharing why and how your business/products can help them on their way.

For each Holistic Healing Fair™, we do paid ads on Facebook, Instagram, network on each cities social media pages/groups, depending on the market there will be magnet signs, radio ads, paid digital ads, etc. We do our best to advertise the events for a positive, overflowing attendance which is of course our ultimate goal. However, with many moving factors, we can not and do not guarantee attendance at the Holistic Healing Fairs. Rest assured, those that do attend are you exact clientele. You are responsible for the connection made.

Your participation in advertising the event is essentially as important as the organizers paid ads and strategic marketing choices – if you have a local clientele that would love to attend an event like a Holistic Healing Fair™, sharing it is a win win. Although I cannot force vendors to share their attendance, every bit can help make our event successful and for those that do actively participate – it is deeply appreciated and doesn’t go unnoticed.

A Note from the Organizer


The Holistic Healing Fair™ was born to share kindness, spark self awareness, build community and connect like-minded souls as we all continue our journeys. 

  • A Holistic Healing Fair™ feature hundreds of local wellness businesses across Ontario every year.
  • We openly consider each and every wellness business that applies. We won’t judge any business that feels their service can aid in someone’s healing journey: mentally, physically or in a special kind of way.
  • We have successfully built a community of wellness vendors across Ontario, with many repeat vendors that travel with us across the Province and over 100 Holistic Healing Fair™ events have taken place since 2016.
  • The Holistic Healing Fair’s will continue to, as always, be FREE ADMISSION to ensure that the events reach those that are seeking guidance.

Tips on How to Make the Most of out a Vendor Event

With being able to coordinate over 100+ events across Ontario, I have been able to observe as an on looker to see what has benefited vendors and what has hindered their ability to best utilize their booths. I have seen vendors purchase a booth and use it solely for network marketing and getting their name out I have also seen vendors who choose to only sell items at their booth that. Both have been very successful – but what about the “what ifs?” What if I don’t make my sales? Will it be a loss?

In an event where you are unable to make back what you paid for, you are still surrounded by potential clientele of future sales and you should maximize the surrounding opportunities.

The Three Pillars To Success As A Vendor At A Holistic Healing Fair™

  1. The Hype Up: The weeks leading up to the event hold the most beneficial brand awareness opportunities. You should be taking the time to advertise your attendance at the event to your clientele, as well as post in the event pages to showcase what you are bringing to the events. If each vendor chose to participate in sharing the event, everyone benefits – including your following.
  2. Your ONE Inspired Connection Focus: Go into the events with one main mindset – that you will seek to find one inspired connection that can change your life in a positive way. Always have an open door policy for opportunities to show up when you least expect it. It can be a future client, a future referral, a new friendship or business relationship. Hold the mindset that your attendance is also planting seeds of future possibilities. Brand awareness is key.
  3. Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe: I can promise you, if you feel you aren’t having a good day and decide that you are going to sit behind your booth in an unapproachable manner – attendees will pick up on that. Regardless of the situation, you should always hold a focus to connect and find your one inspired connection. Your smile is your brand, your booth is your business storefront. If you choose to continue with a positive mindset, your vibe will attract your tribe.

Fair warning, I repeat myself a lot in all these posts – there are key notes that I feel many businesses can benefit from and mention them multiple times to assist in the positive mindset shift in programming. Your mindset, is everything.

  • Try to make a conscious decision to stand at your booth. Stay off your phone, and always smile and make eye contact. With watching events unfold I see many potential customers walk right by a booth because there was no engagement. If you engage or have the right signage, even if the potential client doesn’t purchase anything you can still educate them on your products, crafts or services and give them a business card or brochure. You truly never know if down the road they will remember your conversation and services. Even if you feel the foot traffic is not at the number you preferred, there may be that one attendee that is your biggest sale or connection – don’t let them pass by.

Always remember to smile – Our attendees can come from vulnerable walks of life and we don’t know how much it took for them to even walk through the door. A smile is a gesture everyone can understand without any words.

“Smile at strangers and you just might change a life.” – Steve Maraboli

  • Each person that attends a Holistic Healing Fair™ has the intention of broadening their perspective when it comes to Holistic Healing and absolutely anything that falls into that category. Whether it be finding a bracelet that will help balance them and remind them to breathe, a painting or item that they can look at everyday and smile about, buying a dream catcher to help them sleep at peace or having a reading for some self assurance. Every attendee that walks through our doors is seeking positive change, they may not even know what for – and that is where you come in!

Help people love your product and service as much as you do. How educated the attendees are about your brand, is ultimately up to what you are willing to share and provide within a take away item or conversation.

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean

  • If people can relate to your story, they will relate to your products. Although we live in the holistic field and familiar with what we know, you would be surprised with how many people have no idea what the benefits of reiki are, or what it means to have a card reading done. So many people don’t know what the Chakras are, what’s really in our beauty products or household items and the long term harmful affects they hold. As a vendor, it is your job to educate those who show interest in your services and products. Reach out, be confident – after all, you did choose to sell those items and so much so that you created a business – why not share it to the world? Help people love them as much as you do.  Odds are, they will not know if you don’t tell them and best of all – they come to learn, completely open minded, when they walk into a Holistic Healing Fair™.
  • The Holistic Healing Fair™ is at least 80% local, which means the market of which you would flourish in is brought right to your booth. Maximize your business benefits and have different approaches when you have your booth set up. You can still aim for making your booth money back and more, but be prepared to do the work. Engage, educate and raise awareness on why you love what you do and what you offer. Most people won’t know why you love what you do, that leaves it up to you to make a change in the way they view your table as they go to walk by.

What you can do to help market your business for future follow ups and potential future customers

  • New tip for 2022+ events: Signage is imperative! With the new age of events post a pandemic, I have observed most attendees to walk through the event reading the tables from a distance. If they like what they see, then they approach! This means, if they walk by and have no idea what you are offering, odds are, they won’t stop. Some people might but you still risk missing a direct crowd who has socially separated from the pandemic. Example, I had my journals on my table and a sign with my book name. I noticed people looked but kept walking and didnt engage in conversation (they were too far away for anything more then a smile) – at the next event I had stand up print outs saying “A GUIDED JOURNAL THAT YOU RIP BURN AND DESTROY AS YOU GO”, a sign that said $25 in bold and another sign briefly explaining the book and the author. Every single person that walked by peeked over to read each sign – and after they said “ooooh cool” then they approached to find out more. Just some food for thought!

Ask “What brings you to the fair today?”

This opens the door to explain why you are a vendor, and what you offer to help!

  • Hold a draw at your table, asking for Names and Emails. That way you gain an email clientele base that you can send off an email to for special offers, updates and new products. Ensure it states a checkbox that they are giving you permission to contact them or its stated very clear.
  • Hand out your pamphlets to those who walk by or have them on your table for an easy grab and go
  • Network with other vendors – this is huge! Sometimes your best connections and clientele can be the vendor next door to you or across the room. Market, network, share your services, build relationships, do a trade, drop off your business card to everyone, and most importantly – share smiles and laughs. I promise you will be surrounded by the most beautiful and amazing people in your area at our fairs – and all with the same interest in life. To help make the world a better place.
  • Offer a special at your table. Never mark your prices up for a vendor event, they want to feel they are getting a special deal. Some wise words from my Dad, “Focus on high volume and low cost, instead of high cost and low volume”

The moral of this message is to not go into a vendor event looking for only a number. Yes, it helps to make sales but you have to engage and work with what you love. However, if you don’t make your sales you still have potential to connect with so many amazing people and customers. Expand your horizons with being a vendor. If a fair didn’t go good for you, what could you have changed? What could you have done differently? Change is the only thing that is constant. Adjust your layout. Create a new sale sign. Stand at your table. Educate anyone who walks by, even if it’s just handing out a pamphlet with your services. (Quick tip: have a sticker on it that says “Thank you for coming to the Holistic Healing Fair™, this special is just for you!” and attach a 10% off coupon to it or anything that engages when no words are exchanged.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, I hope it helps all of you to maximize your endless opportunities that come – before, during and after the Holistic Healing Fair™! In the end, the choice is yours. Cheers to inspired connections and positive business growth.

Choose to make it a great day, with everything you seek walking through our door!

With love on your journey, thank you for all that you do to positively change your community.

Vanessa Wilson

15955904 Canada Inc O/A Holistic Healing Fair™  

Founder & Coordinator