Nancy Darlene Intuitive Artist

Bear: Do you need encouragement? Are you in the midst of huge change? Symbolizes: Strength and confidence; Time of healing/rest (through the bear); Transformation and rebirth (through the butterfly); Earthy colours for grounding; More stability; Purpose connects to spirit/angels and guides; Many to assist you through this time.
Intuitive Art

I create art intuitively from my heart. It appears abstract at first glance, however as you look closer imagers will pop out at may find or see animals, people, faces, angels, wings and many other symbolic images. I also infuse crystals and other found objects in my work as I feel guided. I provide interpretive short messages with each piece. Come and see what is calling you and what brings you personal enjoyment and healing.

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  • Serenity: The world is constantly speaking to us and offering clues about what is really going on beneath the surface. Now is the time to let go. Be present and go deep within....listen to the subtle cues offering the truth that you seek. Feel the serenity of being will find more than what you are searching for. It is a vast forest.
  • Water Fairies:Elemental spirits associated with water ~ “Sprites”; Going with the flow; Element of Air ~ taking flights; Alignment; Thoughts create; Go with the flow of what the universe presents energetically; Creating magic.
  • Bye n Bye: Ever wonder what "hind-sight" is? As time goes by we gain clarity, as we sift and sort through our experiences. We learn what we don't want and the contrast we helps us form our desires. It feels uncomfortable at the time but all is happening for us. This perspective has helped me to accept my father's passing. My relationship with my father has helped to propel me forward in so many ways. I am eternally grateful. As you reflect back everything becomes a little sweeter....and we will meet our loved ones the sweet bye n bye
  • Galaxy: Keepers of the Light; Great cycles of life; Full Moon; Coming into your power; Creating your "REAL"ity.

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