Sherry Dracup – Reiki Master/Teacher

Sherry Dracup – Reiki Master/Teacher
I am many things. I have many roles in this lifetime. I am dedicated and committed to self awareness, growth, expansion, and setting an example of standing in the Light filled with Unconditional Love. I choose to view my life experiences from a place of opportunity to expand and grow with the lessons I have learned and the challenges I have faced. I make every effort to see others through clear eyes of compassion and understanding for the challenges we all face within our own inner worlds. I am a beautiful and powerful beacon of love and light. I am a spark of light, a piece of creation. I am more than the roles I play. I am creator. I am healer. I am teacher and student. I am worthy and I am free.
  • Sherry Dracup – Reiki Master/Teacher