An alternative form of medicine called energy healing. A natural form of therapy using crystals to enhance the healing process. Using gentle touch to guide the energy where it’s needed, working with the chakras to remove stagnant energy and clear blockages. Using sound healing and a copper pyramid to aid in the healing process. Chakra balancing assessments performed by using a pendulum to detect over active or under active energies within the main chakras.
Formulating and designing crystal grids for manifesting your desires, protection, spiritual upliftment and transformation. In person crystal consultation and recommendation. I offer distance healing for your pets and yourself by being in the comfort of your home. Using reiki, crystals and special herbs I can rid your home of negative energy and bring in positive energy to restore balance and peace.
I am Sandra Samaroo Reiki and Crystal Healer. My mission is to help people transform, move, shift, their old patterns so they can live their fullest potential.
My vision is – Improved health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities. Applying education and proficiency in Reiki and Crystal treatment practices.
What is your favorite item/service offered?
Reiki and Crystal therapy. The usage of crystals with special reiki healing that focuses on specific issues in your body. For example, working with immune system and increased metabolism, working with depression and addictions
Do you have any exciting plans for the future that you want customers to know about?
Teaching reiki and planning a wellness retreat
What’s the most memorable experience you’ve had working with a customer?
After two sessions working and clearing the energy on the sacral chakra, the client got a promotion at work within the two weeks.
What do you love most about what you do?
To have the ability to help folks discover themselves, heal from traumatic experiences, develop self esteem, become more aware of who they are. It brings joy to my heart when a client calls and say they are happy and feeling well after a session. Knowing that I can give the vibration of love, harmony and healing in one session.
What was your inspiration to start your business?
In 2014 I was going through some financial difficulty and encountered some depression. I was at a low in my life and I had a reiki healing session. After a few sessions I was able to rediscover myself and started healing. My situation improved and I decided that I want to help others to heal. I started looking for courses about crystals and reiki and here I am today.
Do you have a home studio or do you work at another location?
I practice out of Liberty Movement and Wellness
Connect with Sandra to learn more here: