Written by Katarzyna Antonina Wlodarczyk

As we approach the next month, be aware that we are going through an accelerated release process; so you may be moved in the direction of what feels like your ‘problems’ only because you are simultaneously releasing them through the active resolution of that particular issue.

Simply, you are revisiting ‘old things from the past’ in order for you to behave, or rather react differently to them THIS TIME, thereby releasing yourself, form and all (which means you are clearing your physical body through this process, as well as your mind-soul complex) from that particular loop of creating.

So what can you do to ensure a much more satisfying and comfortable process? You must practice, and be willing to accept (which means allow) and flow… to shift with what is happening without resistance, and an optimistic expectation that THINGS ARE ALWAYS WORKING OUT FOR YOU.

Your ability to shift and accept what is happening, as its happening, is allowing you to flow into a new narrative, one that will help you shift your ongoing living story forward.

How does this relate to you in a ‘real’ way?

Chances are that you have parts of your life, whether it be something in your personality or a habit that you’ve been trying to break, chances are… that you have something that you’d like to change. And it may even frustrate you that even though you ‘try’ and change things quite often, you still somehow find yourself replaying the same experience over and over. And you’ve become really clear about some things when it comes to you, so it really bothers you that you’re still missing some other things ABOUT yourself. But that is why your ability to shift, which means to flow with your life is so important.

But what does it mean to ‘shift and accept what is happening’?
Does it mean that you’ll open yourself to unconformable situations based on ‘just letting things happen to you?’

Does accepting ‘what is’ just leave you in that ‘isness’ of things?

Or could all this be tied to TRYING TO HARD?

How often have you tried to wrangle reality into something you ‘think’ it should be? And how often have you noticed that the more you try and do this, the more complicated life seems to get? When we say, accept and shift with your life, we mean that in order for you to really move forward, you have to finally come to terms with the fact, that you’ve created the whole thing. Yes, the whole lot… and it is only by your own power that you will move yourself into something more satisfying. Unless you don’t, and that’s the import part to remember, you are in charge or everything… especially this.

So it may seem like a tall order, to accept that you’re creating it all… and simultaneously step away from trying to CONTROL it. Because controlling it is like trying to bottle all the air up. You just can’t do it. But allowing and accepting it, is like sailing on it’s windy wings.

Do you see? Or rather, can you FEEL it?

Your life experience doesn’t have to be hard, the new energy that is surrounding you is vibrating at a frequency that is highly supportive of living and life. So you’ll notice that things are getting easier and easier for you to do. It’s taking you far less time now between visualizing something with positive feeling and actually seeing, feeling, experiencing it in real time then ever before! So that means its taking far less time for you to line up with the very things you actually want. But that also means that when you’re in a ‘push it’ energy, or a ‘trying’ energy, you will get a lot of push and trying, both of which feel frustrating to you as you experience them. So please understand this and take this close to your heart… how you feel matters.

So we would suggest that you focus on ease and grace… and that means moving in your life with an ‘easy does it’ attitude that allows for changes as they come. And its okay that you’re still scared of changes, that takes a little time too. But give yourself the grace (which means you’ll love yourself anyway as you go through all the necessary steps to achieve this and so much more) that you so deeply deserve.

In the month ahead, as you process and discover more and more of who you are, remember to flow and let love guide you.

With so much love,

Experience the FeelingPath ILLUMINATED and shift into a new timeline.
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